TL;DR: What is Demand Generation?

Demand Generation is an umbrella term for any marketing or sales activity intended to create awareness and interest in your company’s product or service.

Demand Generation is a long-term, education-based strategy that targets a broad, and likely out-of-market, audience. The ultimate goal of demand generation is to ensure a future sales pipeline by building a relationship and enhancing your brand reputation with potential buyers. 

What’s the difference between lead generation and demand generation?

Demand generation is focused on increasing brand awareness and interest; lead generation identifies and attracts these potential customers. The two also differ in approach and metrics.

Demand GenLead Gen
Long-term, awareness focusShort-term, sales focus
Demand generation strategies encompass a wide range of marketing activities, including content marketing, social media, advertising, public relations, events, and branding efforts. 
It's about creating a buzz around the brand and educating the market.
Lead generation strategies typically involve tactics like content marketing, email marketing, social media, SEO, pay-per-click advertising, and events. 
The focus is on capturing contact information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, to nurture and convert leads into customers.
Example metrics: brand awarenesswebsite trafficengagement metrics (likes, shares, comments)Example metrics:number of leads generatedconversion ratecost per lead.

What are the best strategies for demand generation?

Understanding the key elements of demand generation is essential for crafting a robust strategy that drives tangible results.

  1. Content Marketing 

Content is the linchpin of demand generation. Through blog posts, videos, whitepapers, and other mediums, businesses can demonstrate their value proposition, address consumers' pain points, and answer pressing questions.

Creating high-quality, informative content that addresses user queries and is optimized for SEO, businesses can attract organic traffic, position themselves as industry experts, and guide users through the buyer's journey.

  1. Social Media, PR and Influencers

The omnipresence of social media platforms has given businesses unique avenues to reach their audience. Platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter) allow brands to engage users with interactive content. 

Moreover, influencers, with their built-in audiences, can amplify a brand's message, granting access to a wider, yet targeted, demographic.

By collaborating with complementary businesses or influencers, companies can tap into new audiences, enhancing their demand generation efforts. Partner marketing offers mutual benefits, allowing both parties to leverage each other's strengths.

  1. Nurturing and Remarketing

Demand generation can’t stop after one touchpoint. Brands should stay top-of-mind by executing a plan for nurturing and remarketing to their audience.

Remarketing ads target individuals who have previously interacted with a brand, serving them tailored ads to reignite their interest and push them toward conversion.

Email remains one of the most effective channels for personalized communication. By segmenting your email list and sending tailored content, businesses can nurture leads, providing them with relevant information and offers that inch them closer to making a purchase.

Webinars and live events provide a platform for brands to engage with their audience in real time. These platforms allow for direct interaction, answering questions, showcasing products, and building a deeper connection with potential customers.

Tips for Successful Demand Generation

  1. Deliver Real Value

Above all, businesses must focus on offering genuine value. Whether it's through informative content, responsive customer service, or high-quality products, delivering value fosters trust and loyalty.

  1. Create Original and Engaging Content

In a saturated digital landscape, originality stands out. Crafting unique, engaging content captures attention and differentiates a brand from its competitors.

  1. Continuously Test and Optimize Campaigns

The digital realm is ever-evolving. For sustained success, businesses should adopt a mindset of continuous testing and optimization, adjusting their strategies based on performance data and emerging trends.

  1. Align Sales and Marketing Efforts

Harmonizing the efforts of sales and marketing teams ensures a seamless transition for leads as they move from awareness to consideration and finally, to the decision phase.

Demand Generation Tools

Software and tools designed for demand generation offer scalability, efficiency, and precision. Consider a combination of the following demand gen tools for the most effective execution of your strategies:

CRM Systems: Customer Relationship Management software, like Salesforce or HubSpot, helps businesses manage their interactions with current and potential customers. They offer an organized view of leads, prospects, and customer interactions, ensuring timely and personalized outreach.

Marketing Automation Platforms: Tools like Marketo or Pardot allow businesses to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns or social media postings. They also provide analytics and insights, enabling businesses to refine their strategies.

Analytics and Tracking Platforms: Google Analytics, SEMrush, and similar tools offer insights into website traffic, user behavior, and content performance. By understanding how users interact with their content, businesses can identify what's working and where improvements are needed.

Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress or Drupal assist businesses in creating, publishing, and managing digital content seamlessly, making it easier to keep websites updated with fresh and relevant content.

Engagement and Personalization Tools: Tools like Optimizely or Dynamic Yield allow for the customization of user experiences based on behavior, demographics, or previous interactions. Personalized experiences can significantly boost conversion rates.


What exactly is demand generation?

Demand generation is a comprehensive marketing approach aimed at building and nurturing interest in a company's products or services. It involves a series of strategies and tactics designed to reach potential customers across different stages of the buyer's journey with a primary focus at the top of the funnel.

How does demand generation differ from lead generation?

While both demand generation and lead generation aim to attract potential customers, there's a distinction. Demand generation focuses on building awareness and interest in a company's offerings without necessarily capturing contact details. Lead generation, on the other hand, specifically targets capturing the contact information of potential customers for future outreach.

Why is demand generation essential for my business?

Demand generation not only creates a consistent pipeline of potential customers but also positions your brand favorably in the market. By actively engaging with your target audience through various strategies, you enhance brand recognition, credibility, and trust, all of which are crucial for long-term business growth.

How do demand generation and sales work together?

A successful demand generation strategy ensures that the sales team has a consistent stream of qualified leads. By aligning marketing efforts with sales objectives, businesses can ensure a seamless transition for leads from awareness to conversion, optimizing the overall customer acquisition process.

Can demand generation work for B2B businesses?

Absolutely! In fact, demand generation is particularly effective for B2B businesses. By targeting specific industry segments, creating tailored content, and focusing on long-term relationship building, B2B companies can benefit immensely from demand generation strategies.

How do I get started with demand generation?

Start by understanding your target audience's needs and preferences. Develop a content strategy, optimize your website for conversions, and leverage various channels like social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. Remember, continuous testing and optimization is key.

How can I ensure the long-term success of my demand generation efforts?

Focus on delivering consistent value, staying updated with industry trends, and continuously refining your strategies based on performance data. Building strong relationships with your audience and integrating feedback into your campaigns will also ensure sustained success.