What is Buyer Intent Data?

Simply put, buyer intent data is there to help marketers understand buyer behavior. It's a compilation of signals and insights that indicate a potential customer's stage in the buying process and their likelihood to purchase. This data is gleaned from various touchpoints and interactions a user has with your brand or similar products and services online.

The core of buyer intent data lies in its ability to reveal the underlying intentions behind a user's online activities. For example, when a user extensively researches a specific product or service, it signals a strong likelihood of purchase intent. This data isn't just a collection of random online activities; it's a curated set of behaviors that marketers and sales teams can analyze to forecast purchasing decisions and understand customer needs on a deeper level.

Benefits of Buyer Intent Data

Harnessing buyer intent data can significantly boost your marketing and sales strategies. Firstly, it clarifies who your potential customers are and what stage they are at in the buyer’s journey. This ensures that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.

Moreover, buyer intent data aids in prioritizing leads. By identifying which prospects are more likely to convert, sales teams can allocate their efforts and resources to increase the likelihood of successful conversions. This strategic approach enhances efficiency and significantly boosts return on investment (ROI).

Furthermore, buyer intent data helps improve product development and customer service. Understanding the specific needs and preferences of your target audience enables you to tailor your offerings more precisely, ensuring better alignment with customer expectations and enhancing overall satisfaction.

Different Types of Buyer Intent Data

First-Party Intent Data

First-party intent data is collected through your own digital platforms—websites, social media channels, email interactions, and other online touchpoints where customers engage with your brand. It's your direct line to your audience's thoughts and behaviors, providing an unfiltered view of their interests, preferences, and engagement levels.

One of the biggest advantages of first-party data is its accuracy and relevance. It's data that your audience willingly shares with you during their interactions with your brand, making it extremely valuable for tailoring your marketing and sales strategies. Whether it's understanding which products they browse most or identifying the content that resonates with them, first-party data helps you create more personalized and effective customer experiences.

Third-Party Intent Data

Contrasting with first-party data, third-party intent data is collected by external entities from a wide range of sources. This includes online behavior across various websites, forums, publications, and other digital spaces that are not directly controlled by your brand. Third-party data providers compile and analyze this information, offering insights into broader market trends and customer behavior outside your immediate brand ecosystem.

While it lacks the direct connection to your brand that first-party data offers, third-party intent data is invaluable for understanding the bigger market picture. It helps you identify potential customers who may not be directly interacting with your brand but show interest in your industry or similar products. This type of data is essential for expanding your reach and uncovering new market opportunities.

By leveraging both first-party and third-party data, you can gain a wider view of your audience. First-party data offers depth and direct engagement insights, while third-party data provides a wider perspective on market trends and potential customer segments. Together, they form a comprehensive toolkit for understanding and responding to buyer intent.

Key Indicators of Buyer Intent

Search Queries and Keywords

Search queries and keywords are the terms and phrases potential customers use when searching for products or services online. By analyzing these search terms, you can gain a wealth of insights into what your audience is looking for and their level of purchase intent.

Keywords with high purchase intent often include specific product names, model numbers, or terms like “buy,” “price,” and “review.” These indicate that the searcher is further along in the buying process and is actively considering a purchase. On the other hand, informational keywords, while not directly linked to immediate purchase intent, are vital in understanding the broader interests and needs of your potential customers. They may not indicate that a prospective customer has intent to buy, but they can show you how to bring them towards buying decisions.

Click-Through Rates and Engagement Levels

Click-through rates (CTR) and engagement levels on your digital content are also strong indicators of buyer intent. High CTRs, especially on product pages or targeted advertisements, suggest that the content resonates with the audience and that they are interested in learning more about your offerings. Similarly, high engagement levels, such as prolonged time spent on your website or interaction with online tools, indicate a deeper interest in your brand or products.

Monitoring these metrics can help you refine your marketing strategies, ensuring you are targeting the right audience with the right message, and enhancing your customer’s overall experience with your brand through optimal content and website design.

Feedback and Reviews from Previous Customers

Analyzing previous customer experience gives us a leg up in understanding buyer intent. Positive reviews and testimonials can significantly influence potential customers' purchasing decisions, serving as social proof of the quality and reliability of your products or services. Conversely, negative feedback provides an opportunity to address any issues and improve your offerings.

Analyzing customer feedback also offers insights into what aspects of your products or services are most valued by your customers, which can be leveraged in your marketing and product development strategies. Engaging with customer feedback, whether positive or negative, demonstrates to customers your commitment to their satisfaction and continuous product improvement.

Leveraging Buyer Intent Data for Business Growth

Improve Customer Engagement

To understand the specific interests and needs of your audience, tailor your communications to be more relevant and impactful. Personalized, individual marketing messages, based on the insights gleaned from buyer intent data, resonate more deeply with potential customers, making them feel understood and valued.

This tailored approach extends beyond marketing. It influences customer service and product development, ensuring that every touchpoint with your brand is aligned with customer expectations and preferences. Your proactivity and responsiveness to the insights provided by buyer intent data will foster stronger, more meaningful connections with your audience.

Increase Conversion Rates

The strategic use of buyer intent data is a game-changer for boosting conversion rates. By prioritizing leads that show higher purchase intent, your sales team can focus their efforts where they are most likely to pay off. Utilizing the data reduces the time and resources spent on less promising leads, increasing overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Additionally, by understanding specific conversion factors, you can optimize your sales funnel to better guide potential customers toward making a purchase. This includes refining your website's user experience, customizing your sales pitches, and polishing your follow-up strategies.

Optimize Your Website

Your website is often the first point of contact between your brand and potential customers. Using buyer intent data, you can optimize your website to better meet the needs and preferences of your visitors. This involves enhancing the user experience, ensuring that the content is relevant and engaging, and making the navigation intuitive and user-friendly.

Make these decisions based on your buyer intent data, which allows you to analyze information like how visitors interact with your site, which pages they spend the most time on, and where they drop off. This continual optimization process ensures that your website remains a powerful tool for attracting and retaining customers.

Gain Insights into Market Trends and Competition

Buyer intent data offers valuable insights into broader market trends and your competition. By understanding the interests and behaviors of your target audience, you can identify emerging trends and adapt your strategies accordingly. This proactive approach keeps you ahead of the curve and ensures your offerings remain relevant and appealing.

In addition, analyzing how your audience interacts with competitors’ brands and products can allow you to differentiate your brand and identify areas where you can provide superior value to your customers.

Top Buyer Intent Data Providers

1. Demandbase

Demandbase is notable for its comprehensive suite of products, including Account Intelligence, Advertising Cloud, and Sales Intelligence Cloud. The platform is distinguished by its real-time intent, AI-driven account identification, and account-based advertising. It is particularly user-friendly and excels in concise ad targeting and budgeting​​.

2. Triblio ABM Platform

Triblio offers a platform for account-based marketing (ABM) with a proprietary B2B intent data database. It is adept at ad campaign creation, display advertising, and web personalization. The platform stands out for its ease of use, extensive targeting options, and excellent reporting capabilities​​.

3. ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo provides real-time B2B intent data signals and integrates well with various tech stacks. It is known for its list quality, company information, filters, and segmentation. The platform is appreciated for its business hierarchy information, automated workflows, and CRM integrations​​.

4. Lead Onion

Lead Onion caters to B2B companies by dropping high-intent prospects into marketing and sales funnels. It offers features like unlimited contact storage and advanced segmentation tools. The straightforward platform provides accurate intent data, including website, social, and topic B2B intent data​​​​.

5. 6sense

6sense is a comprehensive ABM platform and intent data provider, known for using AI to predict the optimal time to engage with leads. It provides detailed segmentation, great onboarding, and customer support, along with deep behavioral insights. However, it faces some challenges with data accuracy and UI for intent data visualization​​​​.

6. Bombora

Bombora specializes in providing Intent data for B2B marketers. It features Company Surge™ data that reports on changes in consumption across multiple sources. This platform is particularly effective for aligning marketing and sales teams based on knowledge of market interest​​​​.

How to Use Buyer Intent Data for Sales Outreach?

Cold Email Outreach Strategies

In the age of digital marketing, cold email outreach remains a staple, and the strategic use of buyer intent data can significantly enhance its effectiveness. Here's how to leverage this data for impactful cold email campaigns:

  • Targeted Messaging: Use intent data to understand the specific interests and pain points of your prospects. This allows for highly personalized emails that speak directly to the needs of the recipient, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Timing and Relevance: Intent data provides insights into where a prospect is in the buying journey. Use this information to send emails at the most opportune times, such as when a prospect is actively researching similar products or services.
  • Segmentation for Precision: Segment your email list based on the intent data. Different segments may have different needs or be at different stages of the buyer's journey. Tailoring your message to each segment can improve response rates.
  • Content Alignment: Align the content of your emails with the intent signals. For example, if the data indicates interest in a specific product feature, focus your email content on that feature and its benefits.
  • Follow-up Strategy: Intent data can inform initial outreach and your follow-up strategy. Tailoring your follow-ups based on the recipient's interaction with your previous emails (like opens, clicks, and replies) can be highly effective.
  • A/B Testing: Use intent data to inform A/B testing of your email campaigns. Test different messages, subject lines, and sending times to refine your approach and improve engagement.
  • Integrating with Sales Process: Ensure that your cold email outreach is integrated with your broader sales process. Use intent data to prioritize leads and inform your sales team about the most promising prospects.


As we’ve explored in this article, buyer intent data isn’t just about having vast amounts of data, but about understanding and utilizing that data to forge meaningful connections with potential customers. 

The insights gleaned from buyer intent data enable businesses to tailor their marketing and sales strategies in a way that resonates deeply with their target audience, ultimately leading to increased engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty. Whether through targeted cold email outreach, personalized marketing campaigns, or strategic sales initiatives, using buyer intent data can significantly uplift a company's marketing efforts and lead businesses to success in the competitive digital marketing landscape.


What exactly is buyer intent data?

Buyer intent data refers to the insights and signals that indicate a potential customer's stage in the buying process and their likelihood to purchase, gathered from their online behaviors.

How can buyer intent data improve my marketing strategy?

It allows for more targeted and personalized marketing efforts, helping you reach the right audience at the right time with the right message.

What’s the difference between first-party and third-party buyer intent data?

First-party data is collected directly from your digital assets, while third-party data is aggregated by external sources, offering broader market insights.

Can buyer intent data help in lead prioritization?

Absolutely. It helps identify which prospects are more likely to convert, allowing sales teams to focus their efforts more effectively.

How does buyer intent data influence content marketing?

It provides insights into the topics and types of content that resonate with your target audience, enabling you to create more relevant and engaging content.

Is buyer intent data beneficial for small businesses?

Yes, it can be especially beneficial for small businesses by helping them target their limited resources more effectively.

Can buyer intent data be integrated with CRM systems?

Many buyer intent data tools offer integration with CRM systems, allowing for a seamless flow of information and more informed sales strategies.

How important is timing in using buyer intent data for outreach?

Very important. It helps determine the most opportune time to reach out to potential customers, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Does buyer intent data help in customer retention?

Yes! By understanding customer needs and behaviors, businesses can tailor their offerings and interactions to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What should I look for in a buyer intent data provider?

Look for accuracy, breadth of data sources, integration capabilities, and alignment with your specific business needs and objectives.