TL;DR: What is Link Building?

Link building is an SEO strategy that revolves around acquiring hyperlinks from external websites that direct back to your site. These links act as bridges, driving traffic and authority from other sites and influencing how search engines rank web pages.

Importance of Link Building for SEO

For search engines like Google, links are indicators of a web page’s credibility and importance. They work on the premise that a link from another website is like a "vote" or an endorsement of your content. The more quality endorsements or "votes" a page gets, the higher it will likely rank in search engine results. Moreover, these links allow search engine bots to crawl and index your site more efficiently.

Benefits of Link Building

  • Increased Visibility and Ranking: Quality links can improve your site's visibility in search engine results, leading to more organic traffic.
  • Referral Traffic: Links from popular or authoritative sites can drive a significant number of visitors directly to your site.
  • Establish Authority: Earning links from reputable sources can establish your website as an authority in your niche or industry.
  • Relationship Building: Reaching out for links can help you foster valuable relationships with influencers or other businesses in your sector.

How to Build High-Quality Links

Link Building Basics

The essence of link building revolves around procuring links that are of high value in the eyes of search engines. It's not just about quantity; the quality of links often matters more. Search engines analyze the quality of the links pointing to your site and use this data to help determine your site's relevance and authority on a given topic.

Different Link Building Techniques

Asking for Links

A direct approach involves reaching out to website owners or bloggers in your industry and asking them to link to your site. This method works best when you have a specific piece of high-quality content you believe their audience would genuinely benefit from. However, it can also be done when the site is already mentioning the brand name but failed to include a link to your site.

Buying Links

While buying links is a controversial method and can lead to penalties if not done correctly, some platforms allow for legitimate advertising opportunities where a link back to your site is part of the deal.

Earning Links

Arguably the most beneficial method, earning links means producing top-notch content or services that others naturally want to link to. This can include insightful articles, infographics, or other valuable resources.

Preserving Links

Ensure that you maintain the links you've garnered. This involves regularly checking your links, making sure they aren't broken, and ensuring that the linking pages remain relevant and authoritative.

Factors of a Good Link


Links from authoritative websites are more valuable than those from lesser-known sites. Tools like Moz's Domain Authority or Ahrefs' Domain Rating can help gauge a site's authority.

Traffic and Keywords

While authoritative websites are valuable, if they consistently earn their own organic traffic and keyword rankings, the higher quality that website ends up being. Providing a better link to your site. Tools like Ahref’s Site Explorer can easily provide this information.


For a link to provide real value, it should come from a site relevant to your industry or topic. A link from a leading tech blog is more beneficial for a tech startup than one from a food blog.

Anchor Text

This refers to the clickable text that holds the link. Descriptive, relevant anchor texts can help boost your SEO, but be wary of over-optimization.

Nofollow vs. Follow

While "dofollow" links pass on SEO value to your site, "nofollow" links do not. However, nofollow links can still drive traffic and enhance your site's visibility.


A link placed within the main content of a page is usually more valuable than a link in a footer or sidebar.


The specific page on your site that the link points to matters. Links to quality content or resource pages can be more beneficial than links to your homepage.

Effective Link-Building Strategies

Pursuing Competitors’ Links

Studying where your competitors are getting their backlinks from can offer a roadmap to your link-building strategy. If a site links to multiple competitors, there's a good chance they might link to you as well, especially if you offer valuable, complementary, or even superior content.

Creating Linkable Assets

A 'linkable asset' refers to high-quality content that naturally attracts backlinks. This could be in the form of:

  • Comprehensive guides or whitepapers.
  • Original research or surveys.
  • Infographics or visual data representations.
  • Interactive tools or calculators.
  • Engaging videos.

The key is to create something unique, valuable, and share-worthy.

Content Promotion

Merely creating quality content isn't enough. You need to put it in front of the right eyes to maximize its linking potential.

  • Influencers and Communities

Promote your content to influencers in your industry. They can amplify its reach. Likewise, share your content in relevant online communities or forums where your target audience hangs out.

  • Advertising

Consider using paid advertising campaigns to give your content an initial push. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google can be effective depending on your audience.

  • Growing an Audience

The larger and more engaged your audience, the higher the likelihood of your content getting shared and linked to. Regularly engage with your audience through social media, email newsletters, and other platforms.

Guest Posting

Guest posting involves writing articles for other websites in exchange for a backlink. It's a win-win: they get quality content, and you get a valuable link.

  • Start Small and Work Your Way Up

Begin by targeting smaller blogs or platforms. As you build a portfolio, you can aim for larger, more authoritative sites.

  • Make an Irresistible Offer

When reaching out for guest posting opportunities, present a compelling pitch. Offer unique insights, exclusive content, or tackle a topic that's particularly relevant to their audience.

Content Syndication

This is the concept of republishing already published content onto a third-party site. Similar to guest posting, it becomes a win-win situation for both parties. The third-party site gets quality content and you get access a wider target audience and gain a new backlink in return. However, because this content lives on multiple sites, it is important that the proper rel canonical tag is placed on the third-party site pointing to the main content source URL. Below are 4 examples of content syndication:

  1. Content is syndicated to a bigger website
  2. Content is syndicated to a similar website
  3. Content gets picked up by multiple publications
  4. You first guest post on a bigger website, then syndicate that content to your own site

Unlinked Brand Mentions

As you begin to grow your brand, your name will naturally gain recognition and be mentioned on different platforms, but they may not always be linked back to your site. Finding these unlinked brand mentions and reaching out to get your site linked properly is a quick and easy way to gain some backlinks with little effort on your part.

You can do this by doing a phrase search of your brand name or utilizing Ahref’s content explorer to find these opportunities.

Broken Backlinks

Part of backlink building, is preserving what links have been gained. When a page on your site becomes a 404 error page, any traffic and authority from backlinks pointing to that page get lost. 

This strategy is a quick-win scenario because all you have to do to preserve or regain a lost backlinks is by keeping your site clean of 404 errors and ensuring all broken pages get 301 redirected.

Tools for Link Building

Utilizing the right tools can streamline your link building efforts, making it more efficient to find opportunities, track your progress, and analyze your competitors.

  1. Ahrefs: One of the most popular link building tools, Ahrefs provides an extensive backlink profile for any website, allowing you to spy on your competitors’ links, find broken links, and analyze anchor texts.
  2. SEMrush: Another favorite, SEMrush offers a host of features from keyword research to site audits. Its backlink tracking feature is particularly useful for analyzing the link profile of your site and those of your competitors.
  3. Moz's Link Explorer: This tool provides valuable metrics about backlinks like Domain Authority and Page Authority. It can also help you discover potentially damaging links that might be hurting your SEO through its Spam Score.
  4. BuzzSumo: Excellent for content promotion and outreach, BuzzSumo lets you find the most shared content within your niche and identify influencers who can amplify your content’s reach.
  5. If you need to find email addresses for outreach campaigns, can be invaluable. Just input a domain, and it will list all associated email addresses.
  6. Majestic: Focusing solely on link building, Majestic provides a detailed link profile for websites, showing how many links are pointing to a site and where they’re coming from.

Remember, while tools can provide data and insights, successful link building also requires creativity, persistence, and relationship-building.


Mastering link building is a continuous journey. With each link earned, not only does your website climb the ranks in search engine results, but it also solidifies its position as a trustworthy and authoritative source in its niche.

As Rand Fishkin said: “Don’t build links. Build relationships.” The best way to approach link building is to garner the mutually beneficial relationships you need with those who have authority. Both users and Google will recognize your influence and reward accordingly.


What is link building and why is it important for SEO?

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from external websites that point back to your site. It's crucial for SEO because search engines, like Google, use these links to help determine a site's authority, relevance, and overall search ranking.

Are all links created equal in terms of value?

No, not all links have the same value. Links from authoritative, relevant, and trustworthy sites are generally more valuable than links from lesser-known or unrelated sites. The context, placement, and other factors also play a role in determining link value.

How do "nofollow" and "dofollow" links differ?

"Dofollow" links pass on SEO value to the linked site, whereas "nofollow" links do not. However, "nofollow" links can still drive traffic and increase visibility, making them valuable in their own right.

How can link building benefit our brand beyond SEO?

Link building can enhance brand visibility, drive referral traffic, establish your brand as an authority in the industry, and help build meaningful relationships with other businesses and influencers.

Can purchased links benefit our SEO strategy?

Buying links can be risky and is generally discouraged by search engines. If detected, your site can be penalized, leading to a drop in rankings. It's always better to earn links naturally through valuable content and genuine relationships.

How can we track and measure the success of our link building efforts?

Using tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz's Link Explorer can help monitor your backlink profile. Key metrics to track include the number of new backlinks, the quality of these links, referral traffic, growth in domain authority/rating, and any shifts in search engine rankings.

What's a "bad" link, and how can it impact our website?

A "bad" link typically comes from low-quality, spammy, or irrelevant sites. Having many such links pointing to your site can hurt your SEO, as search engines might perceive your site as untrustworthy or of low quality.

How can we ensure that our link building strategies align with search engine guidelines?

Stay updated with guidelines from major search engines, especially Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Avoid shortcuts and black-hat techniques. Focus on creating high-quality content and building genuine relationships with authoritative websites.

How long does it take to see results from link building?

Link building is a long-term strategy. While some results might be seen within a few months, significant improvements in rankings and traffic can often take six months to a year or more, depending on the competitiveness of your industry.

Should we focus on quantity or quality when it comes to link building?

Quality should always be the priority. A few links from authoritative, relevant sites can be far more beneficial than numerous links from low-quality sources.