Hub and Spoke is an SEO strategy where a central hub page is surrounded by spoke pages covering specific aspects of the central theme. This structure creates a network of related content, improving search engine and user navigation.

Why Hub and Spoke are Important for SEO

Hub and Spoke shifts focus from individual keywords to broader topics, aligning with modern search algorithms that prioritize topical authority and relevance. This strategy enhances site visibility by creating a comprehensive content network, demonstrating your experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) in a field.

How Hub and Spoke Improve Content Strategy

This approach encourages a broader content perspective, ensuring comprehensive topic coverage. It enhances user experience by addressing various user queries, increasing page views and reducing bounce rates as users explore interconnected, valuable content.

5 Steps for Creating an Effective Hub and Spoke Strategy

Step 1: Choose a Core Topic

Select a broad, relevant topic that acts as the central hub. This topic should be pertinent to your industry and broad enough to generate multiple subtopics for thorough coverage.

Step 2: Perform Keyword Research and Identify Subtopics

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify subtopics related to the core topic. Use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to understand how your audience searches for information, guiding targeted, relevant content creation.

Step 3: Develop Hub Content and Spoke Pages

Create comprehensive hub content covering the core topic, with spoke pages delving into specific subtopics. The hub page serves as an awareness piece, while spoke pages target users further down the buyer funnel.

Step 4: Optimize Content for Humans and Search Engines

Write engaging, informative content optimized for readers and search engines. Incorporate relevant keywords, optimize meta tags, and ensure mobile-friendliness.

Step 5: Implement a Strong Internal Linking Structure

Establish robust internal linking between the hub and spoke pages and among spoke pages where relevant. This enhances user navigation and signals the hierarchical relationship to search engines, boosting SEO performance.

Measuring and Analyzing the Success of Hub and Spoke

Key Metrics to Track and Tools for Monitoring and Analysis

  • Organic Traffic:
    • Google Analytics: This tool provides comprehensive insights into traffic patterns, showing how users find your hub and spoke pages, and highlighting organic search traffic increases.
  • Engagement Metrics:
    • Google Analytics: Track time on page, bounce rate, and pages per session to assess user engagement and identify which pages are performing well and which need improvement.
  • Keyword Rankings:
    • SEMrush or Ahrefs: Use these tools for detailed keyword tracking to monitor ranking changes for your core topic and subtopics. They offer competitive insights and help you refine your strategy.
  • Backlinks:
    • Ahrefs: Evaluate the number and quality of backlinks to your hub and spoke pages. Backlinks from reputable sites indicate growing authority and enhance your SEO.
  • Conversion Rates:
    • Google Analytics: Track how effectively your content drives desired actions, such as sign-ups, downloads, or purchases. Conversion tracking helps measure the real impact of your content strategy.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Hub and Spoke


The Situation 

Gympass is an employee benefit providing access to a huge selection of gyms and wellness apps. They came to 97th Floor with a goal of becoming a major info hub for HR specialists. In order to do that, they needed to build tons of content. They also needed to rank and capture backlinks for high-difficulty keywords.

The Strategy

A hub and spoke strategy would allow us to create strategic content groups to maximize internal linking potential and boost key pages faster. 

We selected high volume keywords to extend our reach as far as possible. We crafted each piece of content with multiple on-page syntactical optimizations; internal links; and schema markup to match the SERP and maximize the ranking potential.

Together, we built out a content calendar combining Gympass’ priorities with our SEO recommendations.

The Results

Working with Gympass to adjust strategy as needed, we created quality content ranking high in the SERP for strategic, competitive keywords.

  • +61 Live Content Pieces
  • +193 Keyword Rankings
  • +70 Organic Backlinks


The Situation

Gigamon is a leader in the highly competitive network security space that sought to increase sales pipeline by attracting prospects through a high-profile, short-tail keyword. After 6 months, the page still wasn’t ranking. Gigamon was experiencing the frustration of following the right protocol, but still not seeing the impact or results they wanted.

The Strategy

By building a hub-and-spoke content creation and promotional strategy (combined with large site architecture modifications), 97th Floor was able to help Gigamon win a series of longer-tail keyword variations and prove its authority on the subject. In time,  the “big fish” keyword that would unlock major traffic and conversion increases.

The Results

The content hierarchy and hub and spoke method led Gigamon to position #1 for one of its industry’s most important keyword.

  • +94% Session increases
  • Top driver of Organic Traffic
  • +50% Increase YoY

Best Practices for Creating and Maintaining Hub and Spoke

Content Creation Tips

  • Focus on Quality and Relevance: Ensure all content is informative, well-researched, and directly relevant to your audience's needs and interests. High-quality content attracts and retains users.
  • Consistency in Tone and Style: Maintain a consistent voice and style across all content to reinforce brand identity and improve user experience. Consistency builds trust and recognition.
  • Optimize for SEO and Readability: While SEO is important, be sure to balance it with readability. Make sure your content is user-friendly and engaging. Clear, concise, and well-structured content keeps readers hooked.
  • Utilize Multimedia: Incorporate varied media formats like images, videos, and infographics to enhance engagement and understanding. Visuals can break up text and make content more appealing.

Updating and Expanding Hub and Spoke

  • Regularly Update Content: Keep your content fresh and accurate by regularly updating it with the latest information, trends, and data. Outdated content can hurt your credibility and rankings.
  • Expand Cluster Topics: As your industry evolves, add new spoke pages to address emerging trends, technologies, or customer queries. Continuous expansion keeps your content relevant and comprehensive.
  • Analyze User Feedback and Data: Utilize user feedback and analytics data to refine and improve your hub and spoke strategy. Listening to your audience helps you meet their needs better.


Hub and Spoke is a powerful SEO strategy that aligns with modern search engine algorithms and user behavior. By focusing on broad topics and creating interconnected content, businesses can significantly improve search rankings, user engagement, and authority in their industry.


What Exactly is Hub and Spoke?

Hub and Spoke is an SEO strategy where a central hub page is surrounded by spoke pages covering specific subtopics. This structure helps search engines and users easily navigate and understand the content.

How Does Hub and Spoke Impact SEO?

This strategy improves SEO by organizing content for easy search engine indexing and user navigation, enhancing site authority and organic traffic.

Can Hub and Spoke Work for Any Industry?

Yes, it’s versatile and applicable to any industry. The key is identifying broad, relevant topics and creating in-depth subtopic content.

How Many Spoke Pages Should a Hub Have?

There’s no fixed number. Aim for comprehensive coverage, which could range from 5 to 20+ spoke pages, depending on the topic's breadth.

How Do I Choose a Core Topic?

Select a relevant topic broad enough to generate multiple subtopics and pertinent to your business and audience.

What's the Difference Between Hub Content and Spoke Content?

Hub content provides a broad overview, while spoke content delves into specific subtopics. The hub page targets awareness, and spoke pages target users further along the buyer journey.

How Important is Internal Linking in Hub and Spoke?

Internal linking is crucial for navigation and signaling content hierarchy to search engines, boosting SEO performance.

How Often Should I Update My Hub and Spoke?

Regular updates are essential to keep content accurate and relevant. The frequency depends on industry changes and new information.

Can Hub and Spoke Help with Conversion Rates?

Yes, it enhances user trust and credibility, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

What Tools Can Help in Creating and Analyzing Hub and Spoke?

Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are invaluable for keyword research, performance tracking, and user behavior analysis.