A holistic SEO strategy leading to #1 rankings for focus keywords


Increase in organic sessions


Increase in organic leads

# 1

Rankings for their focus keywords


Industry: Finance

About National Funding

National Funding is a leading financial services company specializing in providing small and medium-sized businesses with tailored financing solutions.


Following a Google algorithm update, National Funding lost great rankings for focus keywords in their space such as “bad credit business loans.” They approached 97th Floor to reclaim rankings vital for generating new leads.

The Strategy

97th Floor implemented a holistic SEO strategy to fully optimize National Funding’s pages for keyword searches. Their  tactics included:

  • Internal link Audits
  • Cannibalization Audits
  • Minimal Content Optimizations
  • Backlink Profile Audit
  • Disavow file updated
  • Backlinks
  • Adding a main navigation bar link


The implemented strategy successfully restored and significantly enhanced rankings for crucial keywords— including "bad credit business loans" ranking #1. These rankings resulted in increased sessions and leads for National Funding.

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