Partner Praise Form

What is this form used for?

To “praise” you effectively when speaking to people you send us
To connect you with opportunities when possible
To partner in the most fitting ways
*All fields are required*

What are your marketing superpowers?

What size companies do you typically serve?

What business model type do you typically serve?

What business classification do you typically serve?

*All fields are required*

Thank you! This will help us be a better partner for you.
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Ways of Partnering
Revenue Share
You refer companies needing our help, and we share the marketing dollars you saved us with you - via cash, in-kind marketing, or charitable donation.
Help You
Close Prospects
We use our research resources to help you close new business.
Facilitate New Connections
We work with you to identify clients you'd like to work with and get in touch in creative ways.
Help You Resurrect Past Business
We work with you to help you restart the conversation with past clients.
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© 2024 - 97th Floor. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy.
Proudly founded in Utah. Growing businesses worldwide.