How Targeted Ads and Multi-Channel Strategies Led to Insubuy's $2.5MM Success


In Ad-Generated Revenue


Increase in YoY Revenue

5.5 ROAS

Across Blended Campaigns


Industry: Insurance

About Insubuy

Insubuy is an InsureTech company that serves as a marketplace for international travel medical insurance—helping students, exchange visitors, trip cancellation, and expatriate insurance.


Insubuy didn’t have visibility into which marketing campaigns were successful, didn’t know which target personas would bring the most opportunity, and didn’t have effective creative capabilities. In addition, they had only created campaigns targeting the people who already knew about Insubuy—there was a unique opportunity to introduce the brand to the right personas, with the right messages, when the audience needed them most.

The Strategy

  • Researched, identified, and segmented the most revenue-generating personas to target: young adults in the USA needing insurance for traveling family members.
  • Launched newly-designed ads within 2 weeks of kick-off.
  • Tested various ads creatives, discovering top-converting imagery that included people of diverse ethnicity.
  • Diversified the use of advertising channels across StackAdapt, Meta, and Reddit.


In 3 months, 97th Floor and Insubuy achieved the following results:

$2.5M in ad-generated revenue

57% increase in YoY revenue

5.5x ROAS across blended campaigns

129M net new impressions

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